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Claim Form

문서 # 문서 제목 서명 일자 범주
9340Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities06/28/2024상태 보고서21400
9314Memorandum & Order06/03/2024법원 명령21300
9306Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party05/24/2024상태 보고서21200
9219Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities04/26/2024상태 보고서21100
9161Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities03/22/2024상태 보고서21000
9139Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities02/16/2024상태 보고서20900
9138Order Granting Motion for Disbursement of Funds02/15/2024법원 명령20800
9045Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities01/12/2024상태 보고서20700
9031Order Adopting Sua Sponte Report and Recommendations12/14/2023법원 명령20600
9026Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities12/08/2023상태 보고서20500
9009Report and Recommendation11/28/2023법원 명령20400
8994Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities11/03/2023상태 보고서20300
8992Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel's Monthly Report Regarding Third-Party Entities10/05/2023상태 보고서20200
8883Order Appointing Special Master08/03/2023법원 명령20100
519Second Circuit Denial for Rehearing04/25/2023법원 명령20000
503Second Circuit Opinion Affirming the Judgment of the District Court03/15/2023법원 명령19900
353Objector Gnarlywood, Quincy, Unlimited Vacations, and Pets USA Corrected Final Form Opening Brief01/19/2021항소이유서19800
337Objector Jack Rabbit and Cahaba Heights Final Form Reply Brief01/05/2021항소이유서19700
336Objector Jack Rabbit and Cahaba Heights Final Form Opening Brief01/05/2021항소이유서19600
334Defendants-Appellees Final Form Answering Brief01/05/2021항소이유서19500
333Class Plaintiffs Answering Final Brief (Fees and Services Awards)01/05/2021항소이유서19400
332Objector Fikes Wholesale Final Form Reply Brief01/05/2021항소이유서19300
331Objector Fikes Wholesale Final Form Opening Brief01/05/2021항소이유서19200
329Class Plaintiffs Final Answering Brief (Final Approval)01/04/2021항소이유서19100
328Objector Kevan McLaughlin Final Form Reply Brief01/04/2021항소이유서19000
327Objector Kevan McLaughlin Final Form Opening Brief01/04/2021항소이유서18900
321Objector R&M Final Form Reply Brief12/29/2020항소이유서18800
320Objector R&M Final Form Opening Brief12/29/2020항소이유서18700
319Objector Gnarlywood, Quincy, Unlimited Vacations, and Pets USA Corrected Final Form Reply Brief12/29/2020항소이유서18600
7832Settlement Order and Final Judgment12/20/2019최종 승인 신청18500
7823Order on Motion for Settlement - Class Representative Awards12/16/2019최종 승인 신청18400
7822Order on Motion for Attorney Fees12/16/2019최종 승인 신청18300
7821Memorandum & Order12/16/2019최종 승인 신청18200
7818Final Approval Order12/13/2019최종 승인 신청18100
7772-1Declaration of Nicole F. J. Hamann 2019 Supplemental Report of Class Administrator11/06/2019최종 승인 신청18000
7752Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Supplementation to Their Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses10/29/2019최종 승인 신청17900
7692-1Supplemental Declaration of Undlin in Support of Class Plaintiffs’ Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees & Reimbursement of Expenses9/16/2019최종 승인 신청17801
7692Stipulation and Proposed Order w/ Declaration re: Class Plaintiffs’ Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees & Reimbursement of Expenses9/16/2019최종 승인 신청17800
7664Rule 23(B)(3)Class Plaintiffs' Reply Memorandum in Support of Motions For Award of Attorneys' Fees, Reimbursement of Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Service Awards8/30/2019최종 승인 신청17700
7667Rule 23(B)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Settlement Final Approval8/30/2019최종 승인 신청17600
7667-1Declaration of Ryan W. Marth in Support of Rule 23(B)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Settlement Final Approval8/30/2019최종 승인 신청17500
7667-2Declaration of Alexandra S. Bernay in Support of Rule 23(B)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Settlement Final Approval8/30/2019최종 승인 신청17400
7641-1Declaration of Nicole F.J. Hamann 2019 Report of the Class Administrator8/7/2019최종 승인 신청17300
7641-2Supplemental Declaration of Camron R. Azari on Implementation and Adequacy of Settlement Notice Plan8/7/2019최종 승인 신청17200
75542019 Declaration of Nicole F. J. Hamann on Long Form Notice Mailings to Branded-Marketer Objectors7/22/2019최종 승인 신청17100
7472Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Notice of Motion and Motion for Class Representative Service Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17011
7472 (part 1)Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Class Representative Service Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17010
7472 (part 2)Exhibit 1 - Supplemental Declaration of Michael R. O'Connor Regarding Estimated Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiff Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17009
7472 (part 3)Exhibit 2 – Declaration of Vincent Archer of Leon’s Transmission Service, Inc. (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17008
7472 (part 4)Exhibit 3 - Declaration of Mitchell Goldstone of ScanMyPhotos.com (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17007
7472 (part 5)Exhibit 4 - Declaration of Abraham Harari of Capital Audio (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17006
7472 (part 6)Exhibit 5 - Declaration of Malcolm McDonald of CHS Inc. (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17005
7472 (part 7)Exhibit 6 - Declaration of Jared Opper in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Fees, Costs and Service Awards (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17004
7472 (part 8)Exhibit 7 - Declaration of Ramona Palmer-Eason, Esq. (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17003
7472 (part 9)Exhibit 8 - Declaration of Michael Schumann of Traditions, Ltd. (Redacted)6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17002
7472 (part 10)Exhibit 9 - Third Declaration of Howard Trachtman6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17001
7472 (part 11)[Proposed] Order Granting Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Representative Service Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청17000
7471Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Notice of Motion and Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16907
7471 (part 1)Memorandum in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16906
7471 (part 2)Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Thomas J. Undlin in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursements of Expenses6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16905
7471 (part 3)Exhibit 2 - Declaration of H. Laddie Montague, Jr. On Behalf of Berger Montague PC6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16904
7471 (part 4)Exhibit 3 - Declaration of Alexandra S. Bernay in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16903
7471 (part 5)Exhibit 4 - Second Declaration of Professor Charles Silver Concerning The Reasonableness of Class Counsel's Request for an Award of Attorneys' Fees6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16902
7471 (part 6)[Proposed] Final Judgment Awarding Attorneys’ Fees6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16901
7471 (part 7)[Proposed] Final Judgment Awarding Expenses6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16900
7470Notice of Motion to Intervene by Gary Friedman6/7/2019소장16804
7470 (part 1)Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion of Gary B. Friedman and Friedman Law Group LLP for Leave to Intervene Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 246/7/2019소장16803
7470 (part 2)[Proposed] Complaint In Intervention6/7/2019소장16801
7470 (part 3)Declaration of Gary B. Friedman6/7/2019소장16800
7469 (part 1)Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16707
7469 (part 2)Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Memorandum of Law in Support of Final Approval of Class Action Settlement6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16706
7469 (part 3)[Proposed] Rule 23(b)(3) Class Settlement Order and Final Judgment6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16705
7469 (part 4)Declaration of K. Craig Wildfang, Esq. in Support of Rule 23(B)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Motion for Final Approval of Settlement and in Support of Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs’ Service Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16704
7469 (part 5)Declaration of the Honorable H. Lee Sarokin on the Risks of Litigation6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16703
7469 (part 6)Expert report of Michael A. Williams, Ph.D.6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16702
7469 (part 7) Declaration of Cameron R. Azari, Esq., on Implementation and Adequacy of Settlement Notices and Notice Plan 6/7/2019 최종 승인 신청 16701
7469 (part 8) 2019 Declaration of Nicole Hamann on Class Administrator’s Implementation of Settlement Notice Plan 6/7/2019 최종 승인 신청 16700
7650 Reply Memorandum of R&M Objectors8/14/2019소장16657
7650-1Reply Memorandum Exhibit 18/14/2019소장16656
7650-2Reply Memorandum Exhibit 28/14/2019소장16655
7650-3Reply Memorandum Exhibit 38/14/2019소장16654
7650-4Certificate of Service8/14/2019소장16653
7648Reply in Support of Notice of Motion to Intervene8/14/2019소장16652
7648-1Reply Declaration of Gary Friedman8/14/2019소장16651
7648-2Reply Declaration Exhibit 18/14/2019소장16650
7474Retailer and Merchant Objectors’ Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees, Expenses, and Service Awards6/7/2019최종 승인 신청16625
7123Third Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint (REDACTED)11/06/2017최종 승인 신청16600
Publication Notice-汉语2/21/2019공지16507
Publication Notice-Tiếng Việt2/21/2019공지16506
Publication Notice-ภาษาไทย2/21/2019공지16505
Publication Notice-日本語2/21/2019공지16504
Publication Notice-한국어2/21/2019공지16503
Publication Notice-Pусский2/21/2019공지16502
Publication Notice-Español2/21/2019공지16501
Publication Notice2/21/2019공지16500
Notice of Exclusion for Dismissed Plaintiffs2/21/2019공지16450
Settlement Long-Form Notice-汉语2/21/2019공지16407
Settlement Long-Form Notice-Tiếng Việt2/21/2019공지16406
Settlement Long-Form Notice-ภาษาไทย2/21/2019공지16405
Settlement Long-Form Notice-日本人2/21/2019공지16404
Settlement Long-Form Notice-한국어2/21/2019공지16403
Settlement Long-Form Notice-Pусский2/21/2019공지16402
Settlement Long-Form Notice-Español2/21/2019공지16401
Settlement Long-Form Notice2/21/2019공지16400
7363Memorandum & Order re: Preliminary Approval1/29/2019법원 명령16300
7361Preliminary Approval Order1/24/2019법원 명령16200
7354Letter To Judges Brodie and Orenstein from Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and Defendants with attached proposed Preliminary Approval Order1/15/2019예비 승인 신청16100
7260Order Regarding Third-Party Claims Filing Services9/26/2018법원 명령16000
7257Notice of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Motion and Motion for Class Settlement Preliminary Approval9/18/2018예비 승인 신청15900
7257-1Memorandum in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ Motion for Class Settlement Preliminary Approval9/18/2018예비 승인 신청15800
7257-2 (part 1)Exhibit 1 to Notice of Motion: Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants (main document)9/18/2018합의 계약15700
7257-2 (part 2)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix A--Class Actions in MDL 17209/18/2018합의 계약15600
7257-2 (part 3)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix B--Dismissed Plaintiffs9/18/2018합의 계약15500
7257-2 (part 4)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix C--Amended and Restated Class Settlement Cash Escrow Agreement9/18/2018합의 계약15400
7257-2 (part 5)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix D--Amended and Restated Class Settlement Interchange Escrow Agreement9/18/2018합의 계약15300
7257-2 (part 6)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix E--Rule 23(b)(3) Class Settlement Preliminary Approval Order9/18/2018합의 계약15200
7257-2 (part 7)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix F--Notice Plan9/18/2018합의 계약15100
7257-2 (part 8)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix G--Settlement Class 공지9/18/2018합의 계약15000
7257-2 (part 9)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix H--Rule 23(b)(3) Class Settlement Order and Final Judgment9/18/2018합의 계약14900
7257-2 (part 10)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix I--Plan of Administration and Distribution9/18/2018합의 계약14800
7257-2 (part 11)Superseding and Amended Definitive Class Settlement Agreement of the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs and the Defendants Appendix J--Counsel Names and Contact Information9/18/2018합의 계약14700
7257-3Declaration of K. Craig Wildfang, Esq. in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ 예비 승인 신청 of Settlement9/18/2018예비 승인 신청14600
7257-4Declaration of Eric Green in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ 예비 승인 신청 of Settlement9/18/2018예비 승인 신청14500
7257-5Declaration of The Honorable Edward A. Infante (Ret.) in Support of Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs’ 예비 승인 신청 of Settlement9/18/2018예비 승인 신청14400
6910Barry's Cut Rate Stores Inc. Equitable Relief Class Action Complaint4/10/2017예비 승인 신청14350
Nuts for Candy Class Action Complaint, Superior Court of California Case 17-CIV-014824/5/2017예비 승인 신청14300
Broadway Grill Amended Class Action Complaint, United States District Court Case 4:16-CV-04040-PJH9/27/2016예비 승인 신청14200
B & R Supermarket Amended Complaint for Violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, California’s Cartwright Act, New York’s Donnelly Act, Florida’s Antitrust and Unfair Trade Practices Acts and Unjust Enrichment, United States District Court Case 3:16-CV-01150-WHA7/15/2016예비 승인 신청14100
Opinion of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit 6/30/2016법원 명령14000
1123Joint Page Proof Brief of Defendants-Appellees10/15/2014항소이유서13800
6349Memorandum and Order Containing Permanent Injunction10/3/2014법원 명령13700
Order Regarding Third-Party Claim Filing Disclaimer Language2/25/2014법원 명령13600
6199Class Settlement Order and Final Judgment1/14/2014법원 명령13500
6198Final Judgment Awarding Expenses1/14/2014법원 명령13400
6197Final Judgment Awarding Attorneys’ Fees1/14/2014법원 명령13300
6193Order Regarding Third-Party Claim Filing Companies1/13/2014법원 명령13200
6169Order Granting Attorneys’ Fees1/10/2014법원 명령13100
6147Additional Order Regarding Third-Party Claims Filing Services12/30/2013법원 명령13000
6137Order Regarding Misleading Third-Party Claims Filing Services12/20/2013법원 명령12900
6124Memorandum and Order Approving the Settlement12/13/2013법원 명령12800
5965Report from Court Appointed Expert Professor Alan O. Sykes8/28/2013최종 승인 신청12700
5941Class Plaintiffs’ Brief in Opposition to Target Objectors’ Motion to Exclude Dr. Frankel 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12600
5940Reply Memorandum in Support of Class Plaintiffs’ Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys’ Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs’ Awards 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12500
5940-1Supplemental Declaration of Thomas J. Undlin 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12400
5940-2Declaration of Nicole F. J. Hamann on Activities of the Class Administrator 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12300
5940-3Declaration of Vincent Archer 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12200
5940-4Declaration of Peter Baker 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12100
5940-5Declaration of Mitch Goldstone 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청12000
5940-6Declaration of Abraham Harari 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11900
5940-7Declaration of Malcolm McDonald 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11800
5940-8Declaration of Deborah Opper 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11700
5940-9(Joint) Declaration of Miguel R. Rivera, Esq. and Jay Andrews, Esq. 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11600
5940-10Declaration of Michael Schumann 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11500
5940-11Declaration of Howard Trachtman 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11400
5940-12Declaration of Robert Zuritsky 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11300
5939Class Plaintiffs’ Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Settlement Final Approval 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11200
5939-1Supplemental Declaration of K. Craig Wildfang in Further Support of Approval of Final Settlement 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11100
5939-2Declaration of Alexandra S. Bernay 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청11000
5939-3Declaration of Ryan W. Marth - Part 1 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10900
5939-4Declaration of Ryan W. Marth - Part 2 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10800
5939-5Reply Declaration of Alan S. Frankel (Redacted) 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10700
5939-6Declaration of H. Theodore Grindal in Support of Final Approval 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10600
5939-7August 16, 2013 Report of Mike McCormack 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10500
5937Defendants’ Reply Memorandum in Support of Final Approval of Definitive Class Settlement Agreement 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10400
5934Individual Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Support of the Settlement Reforms 8/16/2013최종 승인 신청10300
5871Second Report of the Class Administrator7/1/2013최종 승인 신청10200
5871-1Second Report of Exclusion Requests - Publicly Filed Version7/1/2013최종 승인 신청10100
5783Report of the Class Administrator6/12/2013최종 승인 신청10000
5783-1Report of Exclusion Requests – Publicly Filed Version6/12/2013최종 승인 신청9900
2113Class Plaintiffs' Notice of Motion and Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Awards4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9800
2113-1Memorandum in Support of Class Plaintiffs' Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Awards4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9700
2113-2Declaration of Thomas J. Undlin in Support of Class Plaintiffs' Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Awards4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9600
2113-3Declaration of H. Laddie Montague, Jr. on Behalf of Berger & Montague, P.C.4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9500
2113-4Declaration of Bonny E. Sweeney in Support of Class Plaintiffs' Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Awards4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9400
2113-5Declaration of Professor Charles Silver Concerning the Reasonableness of Class Counsel's Request for an Award of Attorneys' Fees4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9300
2113-6Declaration of K. Craig Wildfang, Esq. in Support of Class Plaintiffs’ 최종 승인 신청 of Settlement and Class Plaintiffs' Joint Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Class Plaintiffs' Awards4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9200
2113-7Declaration of Abraham Harari4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9100
2113-8Declaration of Howard Trachtman4/11/2013최종 승인 신청9000
2113-9Declaration of Robert Zuritsky4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8900
2113-10Declaration of Deborah Opper4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8800
2113-11Declaration of Peter Baker4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8700
2113-12Declaration of Vincent Archer4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8600
2113-13Declaration of Miguel R. Rivera, Esq. and Jay Andrews, Esq.4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8500
2113-14Declaration of Mitch Goldstone4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8400
2113-15Declaration of Michael Schumann4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8300
2113-16Declaration of Malcolm McDonald4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8200
2113-17Final Judgment Awarding Attorneys' Fees (Proposed)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8100
2113-18Final Judgment Awarding Expenses (Proposed)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청8000
2113-19Final Judgment in Support of Class Plaintiffs' Awards (Proposed)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7900
2112-1Additional Information Concerning the Plan of Administration and Distribution4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7800
2111Notice of Motion and Motion for Class Plaintiffs' Final Approval of Settlement4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7700
2111-1Memorandum in Support of Class Plaintiffs' 최종 승인 신청 of Settlement4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7600
2111-2Declaration of The Honorable Edward A. Infante (Ret.) in Support of Class Plaintiffs' 최종 승인 신청 of Settlement4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7500
2111-3Declaration of Eric D. Green4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7400
2111-4Declaration of Charles B. Renfrew as to the Risks of Litigation4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7300
2111-5Declaration of Alan S. Frankel, Ph.D. Relating to the Proposed Class Settlement4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7200
2111-6Declaration of Nicole F. J. Hamann on Class Administrator's Implementation of Settlement Notice Plan4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7100
2111-7Declaration of Cameron R. Azari, Esq. on Implementation and Adequacy of Settlement Notice Program (Part 1)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청7000
2111-8Declaration of Cameron R. Azari, Esq. on Implementation and Adequacy of Settlement Notice Program (Part 2)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청6900
2111-9Class Settlement Order and Final Judgment (Proposed)4/11/2013최종 승인 신청6800
2110Defendants’ Memorandum in Support of Final Approval of Definitive Class Settlement Agreement4/11/2013최종 승인 신청6700
Order Granting Class Plaintiff's Funding Request [1784]1/18/2013법원 명령6600
Order Granting Class Plaintiff's Funding Request [1764]12/17/2012법원 명령6500
Settlement Publication Notice11/30/2012공지6400
Long Form Notice from vacated 2012 settlement11/30/2012공지6300
1745Signed Preliminary Approval Order11/27/2012법원 명령
예비 승인 신청
1656Notice of Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Settlement Preliminary Approval10/19/2012예비 승인 신청6000
1656-1 (Part 1)Exhibit 1 to Notice of Motion: Definitive Class Settlement Agreement (main document)10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 2)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix A--Class Actions in MDL 172010/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 3)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix B--Class Settlement Cash Escrow Agreement10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 4)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix C--Class Settlement Interchange Escrow Agreement10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 5)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix D--[Proposed] Class Settlement Preliminary Approval Order10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 6)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix E--[Proposed] Notice Plan10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 7)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix F--[Proposed] Settlement Class 공지10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 8)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix G--[Proposed] Class Settlement Order and Final Judgment10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 9)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix H--Counsel Names and Contact Information10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 10)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix I--[Proposed] Plan of Administration and Distribution10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-1 (Part 11)Definitive Class Settlement Agreement Appendix J--Final Judgment in United States v. American Express10/19/2012예비 승인 신청
합의 계약
1656-2Exhibit 2 to Notice of Motion: Memorandum in Support of Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Settlement Preliminary Approval10/19/2012예비 승인 신청4800
1554Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Class Plaintiffs' IPO, Post-IPO Conspiracy, and Fraudulent Conveyance Claims, and Individual Plaintiffs' Post-IPO Conspiracy Claims (REDACTED)10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4700
1553Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Class Plaintiffs' IPO, Post-IPO Conspiracy, and Fraudulent Conveyance Claims, and Individual Plaintiffs' Post-IPO Conspiracy Claims (REDACTED)10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4600
1548Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Class Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment (REDACTED)10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4500
1539Class Plaintiffs' Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4400
1538Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4300
1537Defendants' Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment as to the Claims in the Second Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4200
1534Defendants' Memorandum of Law in Support of the Motion for Summary Judgment as to the Claims in the Second Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4100
1533Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (REDACTED)10/21/2011약식 판결 신청4000
1303Letter to the Honorable James Orenstein Regarding Amending the Pending Class Certification Motion9/22/2009집단 인가 신청3900
1282Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Gustavo Bamberger8/13/2009집단 인가 신청3800
1281Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Gustavo Bamberger8/13/2009집단 인가 신청3700
1280Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Gustavo Bamberger8/13/2009집단 인가 신청3600
1251Defendants' Sur-Reply Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Plaintiffs' 집단 인가 신청 (REDACTED)7/6/2009집단 인가 신청3500
1249Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss the First Amended Supplemental Class Action Complaint7/2/2009각하 신청3400
1247Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss the Second Supplemental Class Action Complaint7/2/2009각하 신청3300
1246Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Chase Paymentech's Motion to Strike7/2/2009각하 신청3200
1245Reply Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss Second Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint7/2/2009각하 신청3100
1226Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss the Second Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint6/2/2009각하 신청3000
1225-3Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant Chase Paymentech Solutions LLC's Motion to Strike6/2/2009각하 신청2900
1224Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' 각하 신청 First Amended Supplemental Class Action Complaint and Second Supplemental Class Action Complaint6/2/2009각하 신청2800
1180Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss the First Amended Supplemental Class Action Complaint3/31/2009각하 신청2700
1178Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss the Second Supplemental Class Action Complain3/31/2009각하 신청2600
1173Memorandum of Law in Support of Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC's Motion to Strike3/31/2009각하 신청2500
1172Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss Second Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint and to Strike Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC as a Defendant3/31/2009각하 신청2400
1167Reply in Support of Class Plaintiffs' 집단 인가 신청 (REDACTED)3/16/2009집단 인가 신청2300
1166Defendants' Corrected Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Plaintiffs' 집단 인가 신청 (REDACTED)3/16/2009집단 인가 신청2200
1165Memorandum of Law in Support of Class Plaintiffs' 집단 인가 신청 (REDACTED)3/16/2009집단 인가 신청2100
1118Order in Case 1:96-CV-05238-JG-JO: Granting (507) Motion to Dismiss in Case 1:05-MD-01720-JG-JO.1/25/2008법원 명령
각하 신청
906The Honorable Judge Orenstein's Report and Recommendation re Motion to Dismiss IPO-Related Claims2/12/2008법원 명령
각하 신청
878The Honorable Judge Orenstein's Report and Recommendation re Motion to Dismiss Claims under Sherman Act1/11/2008법원 명령
각하 신청
874The Honorable John Gleeson's Order Adopting Report and Recommendation1/8/2008법원 명령
각하 신청
740The Honorable James Orenstein's Report and Recommendation re Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Pre-2004 Damages Claims9/7/2007법원 명령
각하 신청
592Letter Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint2/22/2007각하 신청1200
590Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Further Support of MasterCard's Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint2/12/2007각하 신청1100
561Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of MasterCard's Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint11/29/2006각하 신청1000
560Reply Memorandum in Support of Bank Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint11/29/2006각하 신청900
559Memorandum in Support of Bank Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint11/29/2006각하 신청800
539Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint10/30/2006각하 신청700
507-2Memorandum of Law of Defendants MasterCard International Incorporated and MasterCard Incorporated in Support of Their Motion to Dismiss Class Plaintiffs' First Supplemental Class Action Complaint9/15/2006각하 신청600
490Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss or, Alternatively, to Strike Plaintiffs' Pre-2004 Damages Claims8/18/2006각하 신청500
489Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of MasterCard's Motion to Dismiss Individual Merchant Plaintiffs' Claims Under Sherman Act Section 28/18/2006각하 신청400
453Class Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss or, Alternatively to Strike Plaintiffs' Pre-2004 Damages Claims7/21/2006각하 신청300
451Individual Plaintiffs' Consolidated Response to the MasterCard Defendants' Rule 12(B)(6) Motion to Dismiss7/21/2006각하 신청250
387-2Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss or, Alternatively, to Strike Plaintiffs' Pre-2004 Damages Claims6/9/2006각하 신청200
376-2Memorandum of Law of Defendants MasterCard International Incorporated and MasterCard Incorporated in Support of Their Motion to Dismiss Individual Merchant Plaintiffs' Claims Under Sherman Act Section 26/9/2006각하 신청100